📍Waalersalen, Solstrand Hotel & Bad, Solstrandvegen 200, 5200 Os, Norway 📅 12th of May 2025 ⏳ One day prior to the 13th CCBIO Annual Sumposium Register for attendance: TBA Register for poster presentation For more information, please contact us This first annual seminar will showcase recent advancements in single-cell genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and preclinical trials, READ MORE
Nyheitsbrev til donorar og samarbeidspartnarar
Kjære pasientar, pårørande, friske frivillige og samarbeidspartnarar. Dette året har vore særs spanande for forskingssgruppa og for forskingsmiljøet her. Hausten 2023 var Professor Bjørn Tore Gjertsen saman med professor Simona Chera og professor Eivind Dale Valen vart invitert til å søkje om eit nytt KG Jebsen medisinsk forskingssenter. Dei kom vidare i prekvalifiseringa og i READ MORE
Seminar by Dr. Shahram Kordasti from King´s College London
Dr. Shahram Kordasti from King´s College London is giving a seminar Immune Confusion in Bone Marrow Failure: A Case of Complicated Identity? Time: January 16th, at 15.00 Place: Birkhaugsalen, 3rd floor, Sentralblokken-HUS, Bergen Hosted by Astrid Olsnes Abstract: Bone marrow failure syndromes (BMFs), such as aplastic anaemia (AA) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), are characterised by READ MORE
The first annual symposium and opening of c-myc
The first annual symposium and official opening of the new K.G. Jebsen medical research Centre for Myeloid Blood Cancer (C-MYC) took place on the 11-12th of September at Grand Bergen. The centre located at University of Bergen and collaborates closely with Haukeland University Hospital and the University of Oslo. K.G. Jebsen currently has 6 active READ MORE
News on TV2 – Håper å revolusjonere kreftbehandlingen
“Bare timer og dager etter påbegynt behandling med cellegift, tror forskerne at de kan se om behandling virker” https://www.tv2.no/nyheter/innenriks/haper-a-revolusjonere-kreftbehandlingen/16651993/
Nanopore Sequencing Technologies Workshop
The K.G. Jebsen Center for Myeloid Blood Cancer – C-MYC in collaboration with Oxford Nanopore Technologies, is organising Nanopore Sequencing technologies Workshop Friday September 13th 2024 (09.30 – 15:30), Auditorium 2 & 4, BB-Building – HUS Lunch, drinks and networking are included. Registration latest September 6th, at Registration for the Workshop: Nanopore Sequencing Technologies (uib.no)
SKG Jebsen Centre for Myeloid Blood Cancer Opening Symposium
The opening symposium for the new SKG Jebsen Centre for Myeloid Blood Cancer, C-MYC, will take place on September 11 and 12, 2024 in Bergen The symposium s followed by a patient-oriented meeting organised together with the Blood Cancer Association on September 12. C-MYC is hosted by the University of Bergen, in collaboration with READ MORE