Seminar by Dr. Shahram Kordasti from King´s College London

Dr. Shahram Kordasti from King´s College London is giving a seminar Immune Confusion in Bone Marrow Failure: A Case of Complicated Identity? Time: January 16th, at 15.00 Place: Birkhaugsalen, 3rd floor, Sentralblokken-HUS, Bergen Hosted by Astrid Olsnes Abstract: Bone marrow failure syndromes (BMFs), such as aplastic anaemia (AA) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), are characterised by LES MER

Første årlige symposium og åpning av c-myc

  The first annual symposium and  official opening of the new K.G. Jebsen medical research Centre for Myeloid Blood Cancer (C-MYC) took place on the 11-12th of September at Grand Bergen.   The centre located at University of Bergen  and collaborates closely with Haukeland University Hospital and the University of Oslo. K.G. Jebsen currently has 6 active LES MER

Nanopore Sequencing Technologies Workshop

The K.G. Jebsen Center for Myeloid Blood Cancer – C-MYC in collaboration with Oxford Nanopore Technologies, is organising Nanopore Sequencing technologies Workshop Friday September 13th 2024 (09.30 – 15:30), Auditorium 2 & 4, BB-Building – HUS Lunch, drinks and networking are included. Registration latest September 6th, at Registration for the Workshop: Nanopore Sequencing Technologies (