Seminar by Dr. Shahram Kordasti from King´s College London

Dr. Shahram Kordasti from King´s College London is giving a seminar

Immune Confusion in Bone Marrow Failure: A Case of Complicated Identity?

Time: January 16th, at 15.00

Place: Birkhaugsalen, 3rd floor, Sentralblokken-HUS, Bergen

Hosted by Astrid Olsnes

Abstract: Bone marrow failure syndromes (BMFs), such as aplastic anaemia (AA) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), are characterised by a complex interplay of immune dysregulation, inflammation, and autoimmunity. Regulatory T cells (Tregs) play critical roles in the pathophysiology of these disorders. Recent findings highlight the influence of T-cell-mediated responses and genetic predispositions, shedding light on the underlying mechanisms driving disease progression.

Emerging therapeutic approaches, including ex vivo expansion of Tregs and targeted immune-modulating therapies, offer promising strategies to address these challenges. Advances in immune-monitoring technologies and stratified treatment approaches have further improved our understanding of BMF subtypes and their clinical management.

The importance of collaborative efforts and innovative approaches to refine treatment paradigms, ultimately aiming to improve patient outcomes through less toxic and more precise interventions, will be discussed.

There will be a following workshop organized by UiB/FLART2, from 16:15 in Birkhaugsalen, room no.4519, 3rd floor, Sentralblokken

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