Seminar by Dr. Shahram Kordasti from King´s College London

Dr. Shahram Kordasti from King´s College London is giving a seminar Immune Confusion in Bone Marrow Failure: A Case of Complicated Identity? Time: January 16th, at 15.00 Place: Birkhaugsalen, 3rd floor, Sentralblokken-HUS, Bergen Hosted by Astrid Olsnes Abstract: Bone marrow failure syndromes (BMFs), such as aplastic anaemia (AA) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), are characterised by LES MER

Nanopore Sequencing Technologies Workshop

The K.G. Jebsen Center for Myeloid Blood Cancer – C-MYC in collaboration with Oxford Nanopore Technologies, is organising Nanopore Sequencing technologies Workshop Friday September 13th 2024 (09.30 – 15:30), Auditorium 2 & 4, BB-Building – HUS Lunch, drinks and networking are included. Registration latest September 6th, at Registration for the Workshop: Nanopore Sequencing Technologies (